Wednesday, October 29, 2008

by mistake


AEP #2
FE #4

My favorite sport is soccer, I like soccer very much. Since I was ten years old, my father took me to watch a soccer team in our small town. When there was no real match between our towns clubs. I played (soccer) or football as we called it in the Arab World. Two teams should play soccer games, in the championship each team must have eleven players and five as stand by. However, in the other places you can play it with any number of people. In Saudi Arabia, we have good players. We reached the world cub four times. As we enjoyed this play; it has many dangerous injured. Many players have broken bones, heart attack, and suddenly died in the stadium. Other problems come from audience; they generally make problems when they encourage their favorite teams. Some of them hit the players with glasses or stones, or hit other spectators with chairs or fireworks or any thing else. They might burn the playground, so soccer very nice game if we have wise people.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

SR#2 Last

Summary and Response # 2
Peregrine falcon return

In Cindy Hoffman's (1999) article, “The peregrine falcon is back” she talked about the deletion of the falcon from the list of threatened bird species. After many success stories with other birds, now the turn has come over the peregrine falcon. The falcon that nests in the cliffs or urban skyscrapers could not withstand the massive proliferation of DDT after the Second World War. The Environmental Protection Agency prohibited the use of DDT in the United States. Because the population of falcons in the eastern United States disappeared, and population in the west declined, the falcon was listed under the Endangered Species Conservation Act. As result, cooperation between American institutions as well as internal and international cooperating led by the Government of Canada to preserve the culture and the protection of nesting hawks has achieved impressive results. Some of the falcons started their new lives in the skyscrapers where they can find their prey. However, the peregrines are still protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which prevents any kind of threat to birds unless being under regulation hunting. In addition, they continue to follow up on the falcons after they are removed from the list for next five years to make sure they do not need to be listed again. This amazing success story might encourage other countries to try the American plans, which contributed to making the numbers of peregrine falcon double several times.

There is an Arab proverb that says, whoever does not know the Falcon, might grill it. This proverb describes the situation of many people, who do not respect the falcon’s life, or do not know how deal with them. However, the United States and Canada have taken strong action about protecting peregrines lives, they established many ways to let them survive, such as adding peregrine falcon to the list of endangered species, prohibition of use of harmful substances like DDT, and following-up, and monitoring the falcons after the birds are removed from the list. These approaches helped in the return of the falcon to his natural situation.

First, the United States has a list for all of endangered and threatened species after they noted high declines of the numbers of the birds in the United States, “The peregrine falcon has been protected under the U.S. Endangered Species Act since the early 1970’s” (The peregrine falcons of Morro Rock, n.d). Many countries have the same idea, in the United States the government has the ability to apply the rules strongly; people also have high respect for rules. These two factors contributed to the scientific success. On the other hand, people in Saudi Arabia obey the rules in general, but they have problem with their friends or relatives who desire to break the rules for personal needs. Therefore, we still have many species on the brink of extinction, although they established several protection rules.

Second, these falcons have been suffering for a long time from harmful industrial toxics; in her article (2008, para. 7), Sharon Lem said, "DDT causes the shell of eggs to thin and break before the chicks are ready to hatch.” That clearly explained why the number of the falcons dropped sharply in the United States in the past. The government banned the use of DDT; this solution aims to protect the life of the peregrine falcon. This decision helped to purify the atmosphere and paved the way for the chicks to grow naturally developed during the incubation period.

Finally, in high provisional treatment, the government started a new program to breed new generations of peregrine falcons. “Peregrine falcons from various sources were used as breeding stock. Chicks were hatched and raised in captivity and then “’hacked’ into the wild” (Peregrine falcon, n.d). Many falcons live right now in the urban places such as cities or bridges. A recovery Plan has along strategy. They watched the birds for five years to make sure that they do not need any more recovery.

In conclusion, all governments around the world must protect our variety of species, especially peregrine. They might use the American method, which protects it under the force of law, or prevent everything that may affect falcon’s lives, and follow up in their planning without any excuse for any reason. If the world does that, we can keep our environment rich by various organisms.


Hoffman, C.(1999, August 20).The peregrine falcon is back! Babbitt announces removal of world’s fastest bird from endangered species list. Retrieved October 27, 2008, from 9955. htm

Lem, S. (2008, August 18).Lord of the sky; 4 decades after DDT ban, the peregrine falcon is the endangered list. Retrieved October 16, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database

The peregrine falcons of Morrow Rocks, (n.d). Retrieved October 24, 2008, from

Peregrine falcon (n.d).US Fish + wildlife service. Retrieved October 27, 2008, from

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Love in Saudi Arabia

Love in Saudi Arabia
In Saudi Arabia, we have a large space of love. The love has much kind of definition, and many degree of level. The first steep is love in god, who creates human and other species. This love mains obey lord for any thing he asked to do, and avoid any thing he forbidden it. Next, love in your parents, who cared of you and protected you since you are small baby. Third, love all people in the world; it is including every one you deal with. In addition, you have to learn how to treat with them, and how to make relation ship with them. The last love and the important one is love of your soil, on other ward, second half of human gender. In my country, we treat with woman very carefully, because in our culture she is expensive thing we have. Do you know why? Societies usually contain thousands of families, nuclear family in other side contains father and mother and children, women are basic part in the nuclear family, our children growing up under their ayes, so she need more care of protection. We cannot let her as any goods in the market, every body can touch it, try it, use it, and in the end through it as any bad staff, and start looking for another one. Love in my country was holy approach; it comes after real relation ship. There is one way to gain marriage! People in Saudi Arabia choosing their wives based in moral behavior. You cannot choose your wife (love) from websites, or chatting room, because she might knew tens before or after. Your love should just for you, and forever. People can find their wife’s by their lovely moms, sisters, or any friends.
In the beginning they describes her to you, and describes you to her, If you interesting each other ,you can meet your future’s wife usually in her parents’ home, or brothers, then you might get wonderful looking from attractive face which no body saw it before, or you might break in love. After you both get married, you can give her all love you save it during your life. Love you do not separates it to any body before, pure, soft, and sincere. In contrast, you will win her pure heart, which doesn’t hurt from any playboy, or bad person before.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Summary Response #1

Summary and Response #1

Peregrine Falcon is in Danger

According to Marla Cone in her (2008) article, “A new toxic threat to bird of prey," the peregrine falcon is in danger of extinction due to pesticides. These dangerous chemicals are found in high concentrations in the urban areas where the Falcon is living. In addition, many studies have found the same chemical in the breast milk of women in this area of California. In addition, this is not only dangerous for the falcon but also can hurt humans. Furthermore, scientists believe that these toxic substances are used in electronics and move through the dust of house into the air, then to the urban pigeons on the streets, which are then eaten by falcons. The study discovered that the eggs of urban falcon are composed of higher levels of chemicals than these in rural inland and coastal areas. The writer also explained that children are more susceptible to injury than adults are, because they are playing in the dust-infested streets. In the end of the article, the author hinted at the importance of preventing the increase of toxic substances in California, and she wrote about the prohibition of certain harmful substances used in electronics.

The dangers that threaten the Peregrine Falcon are taking many forms, such as environmental pollution, overhunting, and poisoning, of the falcons. Obviously, the birds cannot avoid these things by themselves.

First, environmental problems are very different depending on the atmosphere, for example, a tropical climate; it is rainy throughout the year, which causes floods that cover the land, forcing the birds to migrate looking for safer areas. Another climate such as the desert climate is very hot, and there is neither water, nor foods. Therefore, there is no vegetation in which the birds can find food. In this case the birds try to change their places in search of survival. In the frozen area, the global warming is melting the ice, which is causing many changes in the environment; birds might move to dry regions. These are simple examples that explained how the environmental problems contribute to hurting the birds or even human lives.

Second, we know there are many people who desire to hunt the falcons! They usually do that for many reasons, for instance, using it for hunting other birds, or selling it to the people who are able to teach it in the falconry; this trade is common in the Arab Gulf countries, especially in Saudi Arabia, and we aren’t surprised of that, if we know the cost of peregrine falcon might be set from $20,000 to $70,000, and the highest record reached around $250,000 (Yasater, n.d.). People try many ways to catch it alive. Sometimes they put prey into nets then the falcon lands in the net and may get stuck in it. Many people in Saudi Arabia take this kind of hunting as a habit, and some of them use it as a sport. However, they might hurt the falcons, or force it to leave the country, and this is immoral and illegal in most countries including Saudi Arabia.
Furthermore, in the United Kingdom, Mark Foster (2008, para.5) wrote, “According to the charity's Bird crime report, there were 1,190 reported incident relating to wild birds last year, an increase of more than 50 percent on the previous year's total of 726,” and one of these crimes is shooting; actually I don’t know why they are shooting the falcons. The governments should punish people who trying to hunt falcons or shoot them just for fun, or another fake reason, and they should regulate hunting operations if that is necessary.

Finally, another danger of the falcon is that it is accursed by industrial chemicals that spread worldwide; many of falcons were injured, or killed by the pesticide DDT, or another kind of industrial chemical. The problem is very complicated, because we cannot prevent factories from using some dangerous chemicals, because we do not have safe alternative resources. Although we can organize our lives by avoiding establishing new factories near wildlife areas, also we can create new falcon’s centers to breed birds in quality environments. Most chemical problems accrued among eggs, so we can make it under our protection. Moreover, the companies can help governments by innovating new safer materials that do not destroy the ecosystem, or pollute the atmosphere.

In conclusion, the life of Peregrine Falcons responds to all people; as a community, we can help the governments around the world to avoid using chemical contamination in our products or avoid selling chemicals; also we can prevent illegal hunting, and poisoning of the flame; if we do that we have contributed to giving the king of the sky- the Peregrine Falcon- his previous freedom.


Cone, M. (2008 , May 9). A new toxic threat to bird of prey; the state’s peregrine falcons, once victims of DDT, again face a deadly contaminant: flame retardants. Retrieved October 16, 2008 from Lexis Nexis database

Foster, M. (2007, September 11) Region named and shamed in report into wild bird criminals. Retrieved October 16, 2008, from Lexis Nexis database. ( n.d.)the expensive falcon in the world. Retrieved October 22 2008,from news.php%3fnewsid%30.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fluency Exercise #2

Comparing between two places

Talk about nature is very interesting to me. I like desert so much even if it has very little green space. Desert means freedom; you can send your vision as far you can. There is nothing that can block your vision; you can clearly see the horizon as the end of everything. The view of sky while hugging the earth tells you a perfect romance story in the desert. If you are lucky, and your eyes catch rare animals you feel more happiness and joy. I know my words seem strange somehow, but this is the truth. At the same time, I like Carbondale environment, because you see God's gifts. I have seen landscapes here I have never ever seen during my life. There are many kinds of forests, and it changed every season as a wonderful view done by the greatest artist. When you go around you thought yourself in the wide zoo, you can see various birds, dear, turtles, and many other animals. People here are very respectful to the environment; they do not follow the animals or hunt the birds. Carbondale is a very interesting place to live in; however, my heart takes me to the desert where there are no more animals or even green trees.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Practice S.R

Global changing

In Tim Hirsch’s (2005) article “Animals ‘hit by global warming,’ ” the author discusses the fact that changing of climate probably causes extinction of animals and might affect birds' migration. In addition, he points out several causes, such as melting ice, desertification, and warming of seas. These big factors push the birds to change their life style; some of them changed their migration, while others adapted with new situation. However, the problem remains with other birds that cannot adapt like others. Finally, he summarizes the problem in a variety of things like facing strong storms, raised sea level of water, extended desertification, and decrease of grown water in some places. Moreover the author states that the world must find a global solution to fix this problem.

Clearly the animals' and birds' lives are threatened by weather changing,and hunting; however, we have some trying to fix this big problem, because the birds are considered an important part of our life. The author talked about many real problems which threaten animals' and birds' lives, and they also threaten biodiversity. All organisms should have a safe place, food, and large spaces to gain their freedom. Birds and animals need to move when they feel something wrong in their wild habitat. For example, they migrate if they can’t find enough food or if the plants disappear because of hot weather. Also they cannot live if the places are empty of water or from grasses. Furthermore, many people contributed to extending this problem by using hunting and following the animals with their cars. Moreover,they might use the coasts for their relaxation, which pushes the birds and turtles, for example, to leave the shores. We can not close our eyes in front of some agreements which the countries signed like the Public Authority Wildlife Protection (1992), which was joined by 191 countries, and which aims to protect the biodiversity because it is the important source of our foods, clothes,and medicine(n.c.w.c.d., n.d.). Second, there is Treaty to Maintain the Migratory Species (1979), which was signed by 108, and it talks about offering immediate protection to animals and birds which are mentioned in it. Third, there is Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (1973), which was signed by 172 countries, whose goals are to protect more than 2800 kind of plants, and more than 5000 kind of animals.

On other hand, there are many attempts by individual countries like the United Kingdom, when it established a huge bank of DNA for thousands of animals that are threatened by extinction. Also, in Saudi Arabia we have The National Wildlife Conservation and Development, which created many wildlife areas to protect the animals and birds from any threats. These agreements surely contribute to solving this problem, and we still need more cooperation among the countries, and we need to start from our selves through building a new relationship among ourselves and our environment. The importance of that is because those are our natural sources, and they clearly affects our lives. We cannot imagine the earth without birds giving us delicious foods or nice songs, and we cannot live without beef or milk; this is a real problem. If we cannot control our environment and protect our animals and birds, we might be the next victims of global changing.


National cowmuslein for Wildlife Conservation and Development (NCWCD), Saudi Arabia government, legislation(?). Retrieved October21,2008 from spx

Hirsch,T (2005,October5). Animals ’hit by global warming. Retrieved October 15,

2008, from .

Saturday, October 18, 2008

last vication

After long term ,we took around ten days as holiday between two semesters,but unfortunately it came worst holiday for me,that because I cannot pass EAB2 for first time in my life,I don't test the fail in my class before this time.However,this holiday came to heavy and much poring.In addition,we don't travel as we do each time.The thing which I can say it is good for me when I went to recreation center and played valley pall with my friends.I am going this semester to change my plan and study hard to achieve high score.I am very optimistic because many thing are changed ,and I am failing comfortable because we have a pure environment around our world.We can create our life as we want.If anybody want to treat with his sadness he can through forgotten the past ,and look to the future as attractive day he need to live with.iN the contrast,if someone want to make the events big deal he can ,but he will be loose his health and his future.So,welcome to new life with high pleasure.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Carbondale-fe #1

The Difference Between Riyadh and Carbondale

Since I have been here in Carbondale I have observed many amazing things,people here are very quiet and very respectable.They usually distribute their smile to strangers. In addition, they are very helpful.The town has two main streets only; when the dust is coming, all the city is going to be quiet. In the morning there is a large space for your car to move softly and safely. The problem of Carbondale is there is no large opportunity for the citizens to find jobs, but it still is a very nice place for me.

Riyadh, the city where I lived before, is considered the capital of Saudi Arabia. It is 45km long and 45 km wide;there are tens of highways. The population is around two million people; in the morning you need around half an hour to reach your destination. The people are too busy by themselves; there is a wide desert around the city, so warmth surrounds your life in the car, in the home, or even under the air conditioning!

These big differences between two cities don't make me uncomfortable, because I tempt myself to live in any place under any matters. Riyadh is still my own town, which I love to death. In contrast, Carbondale is great place for people who need learning or to have a relaxing life, because it had many wonderful places like Murphysboro Lake, Giant City, or spillway; I like this environment very much.

Monday, October 6, 2008

School classes in my country

In Saudi Arabia we have two kinds of school :public school and private school,generally, students attend to their classes at morning.We don't have specific time to beginning our study .In this year we are starting in 10/10 2008.In the public schools there is no uniform to be wearing during the class,however in the PE class they might ask students to bring some athletic uniform.Private school in the law grade they have to wearing special uniform,but the high grade did not.Teacher most go to the students in their classes.They can ask students to the computer lap or since lap,otherwise students can not leave their the United States we observe big different not for cloths or classes ,but for education treatment.In the United States, teacher try to reach to the students hard ,they prepere hard to offer the subject in easy way,they make many different way to reach information to the students, they don't teasing the students,they make high respect to them.In our country we need some of this behaviors to our students.I don't say we don't have this habits,but I said don't apply it in their system in Saudi Arabia there are two semester,there is one exam after each semester,after that they have long holiday they might reach four months in some years